To Register

Schools without EMIS IDs are required to register. These are basically unapproved schools. Registration for this category of schools does not require an EMIS ID. To register:

  1. Logon to the portal and click Account to display the Accounts Page.

  2. Click Register.

  3. Complete the Registration form by entering the name of your school, ownership (private or public), School type (primary, secondary, etc), LGA where your school is located, the address of the school, the email address of your school, a contact phone number, choose a password, enter the password again in the confirm password textbox.

  4. Click Register.

Note that email addresses and phone numbers must be unique, that means, no two schools should have the same email address. If the email address exists on the platform, Registration will not be successful.

Enter your phone number in numeric digits only excluding +234. If the phone number is longer than 11 digits, registration will not be successful.

Passwords must be longer than 6 characters and without spaces. Passwords can contain text, numbers, underscore and periods only.

If the registration is successful, a registration confirmation page will display informing you of the success of the registration. Also, you will receive an email on the email provided during registration containing a Confirmation Code that will be required during your first login.

Great! You have just registered your school. The next step is to sign in.

Last updated